Anglican Prayer Seminar

On Saturday, January 13, the Church of St. Mary the Virgin in New York City (“Smoky Mary’s” in Times Square) will host a seminar with Dr. Derek Olsen entitled “Life, the Universe, and Everything: Finding Holiness in Anglican Prayer.” The seminar will last from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM and will include Morning and Evening Prayer as well as the Eucharist. For more information, see this link:

If you’re interested in attending, contact Kara at We have some train tickets to Penn Station leftover from a choir event and can go as a group if you’d like.

The Road Ahead

Dear Good People of Trinity,  

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, we will most assuredly reflect upon all that was and all that was not in this past year. Each year changes us, shapes us, and forms us. Sometimes, in dramatic and visible ways, and other times, the changes are quite subtle and go seemingly unnoticed. As time passes, we are becoming a new creation. The realities of life wash over us like the flowing of a river cutting its way through the land and, over time, shaping and changing the contours of the terrain as it finds its way to its destination.  

As we ready ourselves to begin this new year, I share with you one of my favorite prayers from Thomas Merton. This prayer brings me great comfort as we live with the uncertainties of life. For as much as we may like to think we have some kind of control, the truth is we have very little. How we live amid all that life brings to us defines who we are, and knowing that God is with us every step of the way changes everything.

“My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore will I trust you always, though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.” -Thomas Merton, Thoughts in Solitude  

For all that was, for all that is, and for all that is yet to be – Thanks be to God!   Peace and Blessings,

Are We Ready?

Dear Beloved of Trinity Church,  

Tomorrow, our Advent journey comes to a close, and we transition swiftly and seamlessly into the celebration of the Nativity of our Lord. In our case at Trinity Church, this will happen between the 8 AM Advent IV service and the first service of Christmas Eve at noon. The hangings will change. The vestments will change. The readings, hymns, and prayers will change. The Baby Jesus will find his way to the creche. We will transition from expectation and preparation to a celebration of the truth of the Incarnation of God’s word made flesh in Jesus.  

However, the transition is so much more than changing hangings, colors, readings, and hymns. This transition is about changing our hearts, souls, minds, and lives. For Christ has been born, and that truth changes everything about who we are, who we can be, what the world is, and what the world can be and indeed will be in and through the redemptive love of Jesus.  

And we must remember that Christ came not to celebrate the perfection of the world but to redeem its brokenness. Christ came not because of our successes and achievements but rather quite the contrary because of the truth of our tears, fears, longings, and loneliness. So, I ask you and me and all of us - Are we ready? Are we ready to allow Christ into those places of our lives where light so desperately needs to shine? Are we ready to let Christ’s loving hand touch the places where pain and resentment reside? Are we ready to allow Christ into our hearts so we might not only believe in Christ but trust in Christ? Are we ready to go to the manger and see in the innocence of an infant the power to change the world, the source of life that animates all of creation, the one in whom and through whom we are saved? Are we ready?      

Christmas blessings to all,

Twelfth Night Party

Friday, January 5, 6pm: Twelfth Night Party with Trinity 20s-30s Fellowship and the Episcopal and Lutheran seminary fellowships. Seminary students and Trinity 20s-30s folks are invited to join us for a party to celebrate the 12th day of Christmas! If yo have not already done so, please RSVP now at this link.

We will provide dinner - bring a beverage, a dessert, or just yourself! We need a headcount for food by Thursday evening, and we would like to know about any dietary restrictions you might have.

Christmas Pageant

Dear Good People of Trinity,  

This Sunday is the joyous celebration of our annual Christmas Pageant, a time when the youngest members of our church family not only narrate the story of our Savior's birth but also breathe life into its very essence. They don't just tell the tale; they embody it, infusing it with vibrancy and life. Their portrayal of gentle lambs, angels, shepherds, and figures like Gabriel, Mary, Joseph, brings the story alive for us in new and wonderful ways.  

In their roles, the children extend an invitation for us not merely to witness but to actively discover our own roles within the beauty and power of the Christmas story. Moreover, they invite us to discern our place in the ongoing narrative of God and God’s people. As the children transition through the roles of the pageant, so do we, as we mature and evolve in our faith. This becomes a living testament to the dynamic nature of our spiritual journey, as God continually works within us in unexpected and transformative ways.   I invite you to join us this Sunday, not just to hear the familiar recounting of our Savior's birth but to fully immerse yourself in the profound experience. Come, discover your role in the ongoing narrative of healing in our world. Your presence is not merely that of an audience; you are the living words of the ever-unfolding story.  

Advent Blessings to all,

Advent Poinsettia Plant Delivery

On Friday, December 15 through Sunday, December 17, the Flower Ministry is conducting our annual Advent Poinsettia Delivery.  We bring this touch of Christmas cheer to members of our community to say “Trinity Church is thinking of you.”  A great example of our mission to Care for One Another; we need volunteers of all ages to deliver the plants. 

We are hoping to get enough volunteers to create pairs of people to deliver the plants. We provide a list of recipients, and the deliveries are grouped by location, so it only takes 1-2 hours.  The day and time you deliver is up to you.  It is a wonderful activity, and one that families often like to do together.

If you want to join this enjoyable and worthwhile event, please contact Terri Hassett Brown either by email at, or by phone:  609-915-3800.  

Volunteer with Arm in Arm on March 1

Arm in Arm is a long-time partner of Trinity Church, helping Mercer County residents in need with food and housing assistance.  Join fellow parishioners on Saturday, March 1, 2025 from 10 am to Noon as we prepare food packages for their pantry.  We'll be doing this at Arm in Arm's facility at 1 N. Johnston Ave, Suite A230 in Hamilton NJ.  Families are welcome but this activity is not recommended for young children.  Please contact Melissa Scott at to register or for questions.