Ministry Opportunities

Are you looking for a place to make a difference in people’s lives? Trinity Church offers excellent opportunities to serve your community while growing personally and spiritually. We have a wide range of volunteer opportunities available, from working with our ministry partners to help the food or housing insecure to assisting with the celebration of Sunday services. Our volunteers are the heart of our community, and we welcome people of all ages and backgrounds to get involved. Whether you're a university student looking for a home away from home, a retiree seeking to stay engaged, or somewhere in between, we have a place for you here.

So what are you waiting for? Join our team of dedicated volunteers today and make a difference in the lives of others in the name of Jesus Christ. Unless otherwise noted, please contact Annie Bryson in the office to be introduced to one of our ministry leaders.



Choirs of Trinity Church

The Choirs of Trinity Church seek to participate in and transform worship through the transcendent power of music. We have singing opportunities for all ages and levels of experience.

| Contact Meg Harper |

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild cares for the altar, vestments, vessels, linens and other paraments of the parish. Members prepare the sanctuary for services and clean up afterwards.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Readers & Intercessors’ Guild

Lay members read the lectionary lessons and lead the congregation in intercession (prayer on behalf of others), crucial partners in preaching the word and praying for world.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Acolytes’ Guild

Altar servers, torchbearers, as well as cross-bearers (crucifers), and thurifers — some or all of whom may be involved in the church’s services — are critical participants in the drama of the liturgy, supporting and assisting the clergy in all that they do.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Ushers’ Guild

Ushering is the first encounter members and visitors alike have when they walk in the door. The role of the usher is to greet people and make them feel welcome at church, assist them with seating or finding their way around the church, collecting the offering, bringing up the gifts, and maintaining a safe environment.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Flower Guild

The flower guild is responsible for selecting, ordering, and arranging flowers to beautify the sanctuary.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Chalice Bearers’ Guild

Chalice-bearers (sometimes called lay ministers) assist the clergy during communion, carrying the chalice and dispensing the wine to communicants.

| Contact Annie Bryson |


Book Groups

Trinity holds several book groups throughout the year and invites anyone and everyone to join in reading and discussing theology, fiction, or general non-fiction with a curious, lively assembly.

| Contact the Rev. Cn. Dr. Kara Slade |

Thursday Morning Bible Study

Each Thursday morning, members gather on Zoom for Bible Study.

| Contact the Rev. Dr. Alan King |

Education for Ministry ⇲

Education for Ministry (EfM) is a unique four-year distance learning certificate program from Sewanee’s School of Theology in theological education based upon small-group study and practice.

| Contact the Rev. Cn. Dr. Kara Slade |

Anglican 101: Inquirers’ Class

Twice a year, Trinity holds introductory classes for those interested in Anglicanism and the Episcopal Church.

| Contact the Rev. Cn. Dr. Kara Slade |

Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer in which participants experience God's presence within them, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. Participants spend twenty minutes in silence, followed by a short reading from the Gospel, and a brief discussion.

| Contact Annie Bryson |


Turkey Trot ⇲

The Trinity Turkey Trot is a time-honored Princeton Thanksgiving Day tradition. Over 2000 runners and walkers of all ages participate to have fun and raise money for our ministry partners.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Rummage Committee

The Rummage Committee oversees the planning and execution of one or two yearly sales over three days featuring a wide array of women’s, men’s, and children’s apparel, accessories, and shoes; art, books, and antiques; housewares, linens, and decor.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Angel Tree

Each December, Trinity Church collects gifts and gift cards for over 150 children through our ministry partners. Angel ornaments with tags are hung on a Christmas tree at the church and congregants are invited to take them, sign-up, and return with their gifts.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Hunger Fund

The Hunger Fund is a monthly collection that benefits the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, Mercer Street Friends, and Bread for the World.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Arm In Arm ⇲


Founded in 1980 by Nassau Presbyterian and Trinity Episcopal in Princeton to help community members who were struggling financially, today Arm In Arm has twenty staff members and hundreds of volunteers welcome more than 4,000 families to food pantries, work with 600 at-risk families to prevent or end homelessness, and offer on-the-job training and job search mentoring.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Urban Promise Trenton ⇲


Urban Promise Trenton offers the city’s youth and teens a chance to believe in and build a positive future by providing them with the skills necessary for academic achievement, life management, spiritual growth, and christian leadership through free after school and summer camp programming.

| Contact Annie Bryson |


Founded in 1989 by Nassau Presbyterian and Trinity Episcopal in Princeton, Trenton’s Children’s Chorus empowers the academic and social development of children through artistry in music, offering choral music education, drumming and keyboard instruction, performance opportunities, music theory instruction, tutoring, homework assistance, SAT prep, college application help, and summer camp scholarships.

Trenton Music Makers is part of the El Sistema movement in the United States, using music as a platform for social change, providing instruction in violin, viola, cello, and bass in studio sectionals; developing reading, improvisation, and musicianship; learning percussion, collective composition, and music production; all the while building collaboration skills, peer leadership, and learning the value of a shared struggle.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Housing Initiatives of Princeton ⇲


Housing Initiatives of Princeton assists local individuals and families experiencing housing insecurity build toward a sustainable future via stable housing, better employment, and a network of support services.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Cristosal ⇲


Cristosal works to promote justice, human rights, and democratic societies in Central America, through strategic litigation, research, learning, human rights monitoring, and assistance to victims of human rights violations.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

GAIA Global Health ⇲


GAIA Global Health provides community-based health services and education to under-served populations in rural communities while supporting health worker training to increase capacity and promote equitable deployment of frontline care providers.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Habitat for Humanity


Habitat for Humanity is a global non-profit with local chapters whose mission is to transform lives and their towns and cities by building and repairing homes in partnership with families in need, and uniting around the cause of affordable housing.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Home Visitors

The Home Visitor ministry members bring communion to those who are unable to attend Sunday services. Home visitors meet parishioners in their homes, care facilities and rehabilitation facilities. Additionally, home visi‐ tors bring comfort and reassurance to those they visit that they are beloved members of the Trinity Church community.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Assisted Living Worship

Trinity holds services several times a month at both the Stonebridge and Meadow Lakes communities.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Prayer Partners

Prayer Partners are a devoted group of parishioners who meet with those seeking prayer and comfort, in the Unity Chapel, during the distribution of the Holy Eucharist during Sunday morning services.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Prayer Shawls

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is a dedicated group committed to prayerfully knitting shawls to bring the warmth of God’s presence to anyone in need of it.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Flower Ministry

The Flower ministry distributes mugs of flowers each week, except during Lent, to parishioners who are experiencing illness, grief or challenges. During the season of Advent, more than sixty poinsettias are delivered to parishioners who cannot attend church services on a regular basis or who have experienced loss during the year.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Newcomers Committee

The Newcomers Committee welcomes those who are new to Trinity at church services and events, and through emails, phone calls and special events. The committees mission is to get to know new members, welcome them, and help them navigate Trinity’s organization and programs., introducing them to the many ways we share in the ministry of worship, formation, loving our neighbors, and hospitality.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

Parish Life Committee

The Parish Life Committee is a group of volunteers who have taken up the ministry of hospitality, This team is committed to creating and providing a welcoming environment for all who join in fellowship with us at Trinity. The committee sees its work as feeding body, heart and spirit; as building our community of the table.

| Contact Annie Bryson |

St. Nicholas Bazaar & Party

The St. Nicholas Bazaar is an annual December fund-raising event which brings together creative people in the parish providing community and sociability. Saturday sales feature gingerbread houses, cookies, baked goods, boxwood trees, wreathes, handiwork and live plants of the season. A evening cocktail party is held in conjunction with the bazaar.

| Contact Annie Bryson |


If you are interested in helping with or have specialized skills which you’d like to volunteer for the foundational work of governance, finance, and administration — whether through the Finance, Personnel, Building, Grounds, Memorial Garden, Belshaw House, Stewardship, Planned Giving, Trinity Heritage, or Communications Committees — please…

| Contact the Rector, the Rev. Paul Jeanes III |