Trinity’s youth are passionate about social justice, anti-racism in the church, and learning how to live compassionately in the world. Our group loves asking questions, listening well, and building friendships.
We welcome youth (Grades 6–12) of all races, genders, ethnicities, economic backgrounds, and faith traditions.
The leadership and congregation of Trinity Church values the participation of our young people in every aspect of mission and ministry: as singers, acolytes, readers, preachers, forum presenters, carillon bell ringers, outreach program leaders, archival researchers, liturgical dancers, and authors of Lenten devotionals.
In all these things and more, our youth can count on a warm welcome, excellent training, and our faithful appreciation for the many ways in which they are a blessing to us all. Upholding children and youth as full and essential partners in the life of Trinity is a core value of this congregation.
Youth Group meets Sunday evenings from 6-7pm in person to talk about life, current events, & God.
In honor of Epiphany students created a star. Each star had a word that represented their epiphany for 2025.
On the back they wrote a brief reflection explaining all the ways they are looking for God in 2025.

In Confirmation, we make a mature commitment to Christ, and a commitment to live out our baptismal vows in the communion of the Episcopal Church (and Anglican Churches around the world). If you were baptized as an infant, confirmation offers you the opportunity to take on the vows that your parents made for them, for themselves. Confirmation is also a way that those who were baptized in other churches commit to the Anglican way of being Christian. Confirmation teaches us how to make our faith our own. The rite of Confirmation includes the affirmation of baptismal vows and the laying on of hands by a bishop. Confirmation class meets for 6 weeks on Sunday evenings beginning in January. Students in 10th grade and up gather for worship, a fellowship meal, and instruction in the faith. Confirmation by the Bishop is typically held in the spring following the preparation class.