Conversation with Elizabeth Oldfield

In these turbulent times, I invite you to join me April 30 at 7pm for a conversation with Elizabeth Oldfield, author of Fully Alive: Tending to the Soul in Turbulent Times. As an Anglican Christian, Oldfield offers a thoughtful, faithful, and deeply insightful guide to soulful living, helping us navigate the challenges of being fully human and  fully alive. With refreshing honesty and humanity, she shares the truths of her own journey—its blessings and struggles alike—offering wisdom that is both accessible and profoundly moving.

Elizabeth Oldfield hosts The Sacred podcast and is the former director and now senior fellow of the think tank Theos. She appears across the media, including BBC Radio and television, UnHerd, the Financial Times, and beyond. Oldfield is also a contributing editor at Comment magazine, chair of Larger Us, and a coach and consultant working with purpose-driven individuals and organizations.

Voices Chorale NJ: Requiem x 2

Date & Time: May 3rd at 4pm

Location: Trinity Church, Princeton, NJ

It will be two times the beauty and two times the excitement when Voices Chorale NJ presents “Requiem x 2”. The concert will showcase two powerful musical settings of the requiem mass: the monumental Mozart Requiem, left incomplete by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1791; and the Requiem by Brazilian composer José Maurício Nunes Garcia, completed in 1816 and inspired by familiarity with Mozart’s masterpiece. Both works will be accompanied by the 21-piece Berks Sinfonietta orchestra.

Mozart tragically died before completing his Requiem, and this concert will feature a 1991 completion of the piece by brilliant musician and Julliard scholar Robert Levin. To help audience members better understand and appreciate the various completions of Mozart’s Requiem through history, a pre-concert talk will be presented by Dr. David McConnell, Voices Chorale NJ Artistic Director, at 3:15pm.

Both “Requiems” are dramatic and intensely moving compositions of choral art, and promise an unforgettable musical experience that will captivate and move the audience. Don’t miss this doubly-exciting concert experience!

Share in the Adventure

Dear Beloved of Trinity Church,

On April 1, Elaine Pagels’ new book, Miracles and Wonder: The Historical Mystery of Jesus, will be released. In the introduction, Elaine writes, “I cannot resist asking not only ‘Who was Jesus?’ but also ‘Who is he?’ What intrigues me is the astonishing persistence of Jesus, both rediscovered and reinvented.” She concludes by saying, “Excited by what I found, I invite you to share in the adventure.”

As a renowned scholar, Elaine deepens our understanding of the historical realities in which the church was formed. Yet her questions also speak to the heart of our ongoing journey of faith. We, too, must continually ask not only “Who was Jesus?”but also “Who is he?”—within the depths of our souls and the realities of our lives.

In this season of Lent, we are invited to embrace this never-ending, life-giving adventure. The Christian life is one of continual discovery, unfolding amid the ever-changing landscape of our lives and the complexities of the world around us. This adventure is not easy. Wrestling with both historical realities and sacred mysteries—the things we can prove and the things that require faith—is a challenge. And yet, I believe without doubt or hesitation that this adventure sustains us, frees us, and leads to life. Life in ways I never could have imagined. With strength I would not have found on my own and joy I would not have known.

I invite you to share in this extraordinary and life-giving adventure. It’s worth it!

Lenten blessings,


Free Tickets to Princeton U Chamber Choir Concert

Dear Trinity Church Members:

The Princeton University Chamber Choir’s upcoming concert is one not-to-be-missed: a complete performance of Joby Talbot’s 21st Century Masterpiece for unaccompanied choir - Path of Miracles.

Path of Miracles was composed by Joby Talbot in 2004 for the famed British choir Tenebrae, on a concept which I developed in partnership with Tenebrae’s conductor Nigel Short and the City of London Festival. In the twenty years since, it has come to be seen as one of the ultimate experiences of 21st Century choral music, embracing a thousand years of history and a dozen European languages on the pilgrimage route – the Camino Frances - from Roncesvalles in the Spanish Pyrenees, to the glorious Cathedral of St James in Santiago de Compostela. The music is truly symphonic in scale, and the extraordinary text, which connects ancient monastic fragments with modern verse, beautifully evokes the irresistible urge to see the world, to better know our fellow human beings, and to find answers to life’s most elusive questions. Here's a clip of the third movement, named for the city of Leon…

The performance takes place in Richardson Auditorium on Saturday March 29th at 7.30pm.

We are delighted to offer all Trinity Church members two free tickets for this event!

To obtain your tickets, visit and use the promo code CCSING for two free tickets.

Candidate for Director of Family Ministries

Dear Trinity Church Community,

The Family Ministries Committee has been hard at work conducting a search for the Director of Family Ministries. We will be joined this Sunday by a candidate for this position, Chesirae Valentine-Karlin.

The church community is invited to a forum this Sunday, March 16, immediately following the 10:30 am service. We will be meeting in Pierce-Bishop Hall. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend and share feedback with the Family Ministries Committee following the forum. Childcare with lunch for children will be provided.

Also on Sunday, Chesirae will teach Sunday School for our younger students at 9:30 am, and attend Playful Worship during the 10:30 am service.

Please join us for this important event as we work to strengthen our family ministries program.

Blessings to all!

Family Ministries Search Committee

Luther’s Chicken

WARNING: This article contains sermon spoilers. Come on Sunday to hear the rest of the story!

Jesus sought me when a stranger,

wandering from the fold of God;

he, to rescue me from danger,

interposed his precious blood.

This Sunday, we will hear a beautiful passage from the Gospel often called Jesus’ Lament Over Jerusalem. Warned by the Pharisees that Herod was out to get him, Jesus says “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!” What a wonderful image of the tender care that God extends to each of us in Christ. It’s also one of the passages in Scripture where God’s love is described in feminine terms, and it had a significant influence on Julian of Norwich’s extensive (and famous) meditations on Christ as Mother. 

Now, my dad grew up on a farm in Mississippi, but I grew up in the suburbs where both eggs and chickens come in a package from the grocery store. In preparing for this week’s sermon, I spent some time doing some extremely intellectual research, by which I mean watching videos of chickens on YouTube. Like this one:

Before I did my chicken research, I read that passage of Scripture as only about nesting, about how the mother hen keeps the chicks warm in the nest. That’s part of the story, but it’s not the whole story. There is something much more dynamic at work. Outside the nest, the mother hen spreads her wings over her chicks to protect them, and in fact places herself between her chicks and any perceived danger. She is willing to come to harm first in order to protect her babies. 

This image also shows up in Martin Luther’s description of what he calls imputed righteousness, where God sees us through Christ, and reckons Christ’s perfect righteousness to us despite the fact that we remain sinners in this life. He writes, “On account of this faith in Christ God does not see the sin that still remains in me. For so long as I go on living in the flesh, there is certainly sin in me. But meanwhile Christ protects me under the shadow of His wings and spreads over me the wide heaven of the forgiveness of sins, under which I live in safety.” (Commentary on Galatians)

I think I’ve shared this with you before, but here’s a video that Sonia and I put together on imputed righteousness and infused righteousness, which is the more Catholic view.

Thanks be to God that in Christ, we are kept safe from every danger by his own willingness to sacrifice everything for us, in love. Come back on Sunday for the rest of the story!

In Christ,
