Share in the Adventure

Dear Beloved of Trinity Church,

On April 1, Elaine Pagels’ new book, Miracles and Wonder: The Historical Mystery of Jesus, will be released. In the introduction, Elaine writes, “I cannot resist asking not only ‘Who was Jesus?’ but also ‘Who is he?’ What intrigues me is the astonishing persistence of Jesus, both rediscovered and reinvented.” She concludes by saying, “Excited by what I found, I invite you to share in the adventure.”

As a renowned scholar, Elaine deepens our understanding of the historical realities in which the church was formed. Yet her questions also speak to the heart of our ongoing journey of faith. We, too, must continually ask not only “Who was Jesus?”but also “Who is he?”—within the depths of our souls and the realities of our lives.

In this season of Lent, we are invited to embrace this never-ending, life-giving adventure. The Christian life is one of continual discovery, unfolding amid the ever-changing landscape of our lives and the complexities of the world around us. This adventure is not easy. Wrestling with both historical realities and sacred mysteries—the things we can prove and the things that require faith—is a challenge. And yet, I believe without doubt or hesitation that this adventure sustains us, frees us, and leads to life. Life in ways I never could have imagined. With strength I would not have found on my own and joy I would not have known.

I invite you to share in this extraordinary and life-giving adventure. It’s worth it!

Lenten blessings,


Luther’s Chicken

WARNING: This article contains sermon spoilers. Come on Sunday to hear the rest of the story!

Jesus sought me when a stranger,

wandering from the fold of God;

he, to rescue me from danger,

interposed his precious blood.

This Sunday, we will hear a beautiful passage from the Gospel often called Jesus’ Lament Over Jerusalem. Warned by the Pharisees that Herod was out to get him, Jesus says “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!” What a wonderful image of the tender care that God extends to each of us in Christ. It’s also one of the passages in Scripture where God’s love is described in feminine terms, and it had a significant influence on Julian of Norwich’s extensive (and famous) meditations on Christ as Mother. 

Now, my dad grew up on a farm in Mississippi, but I grew up in the suburbs where both eggs and chickens come in a package from the grocery store. In preparing for this week’s sermon, I spent some time doing some extremely intellectual research, by which I mean watching videos of chickens on YouTube. Like this one:

Before I did my chicken research, I read that passage of Scripture as only about nesting, about how the mother hen keeps the chicks warm in the nest. That’s part of the story, but it’s not the whole story. There is something much more dynamic at work. Outside the nest, the mother hen spreads her wings over her chicks to protect them, and in fact places herself between her chicks and any perceived danger. She is willing to come to harm first in order to protect her babies. 

This image also shows up in Martin Luther’s description of what he calls imputed righteousness, where God sees us through Christ, and reckons Christ’s perfect righteousness to us despite the fact that we remain sinners in this life. He writes, “On account of this faith in Christ God does not see the sin that still remains in me. For so long as I go on living in the flesh, there is certainly sin in me. But meanwhile Christ protects me under the shadow of His wings and spreads over me the wide heaven of the forgiveness of sins, under which I live in safety.” (Commentary on Galatians)

I think I’ve shared this with you before, but here’s a video that Sonia and I put together on imputed righteousness and infused righteousness, which is the more Catholic view.

Thanks be to God that in Christ, we are kept safe from every danger by his own willingness to sacrifice everything for us, in love. Come back on Sunday for the rest of the story!

In Christ,


The Essential Skills for Being Human

Dear Beloved of Trinity,

Since Kara “broke the ice” on Sunday with her reference to David Brooks, I’m going to follow suit—thank you, Kara! Someone recently shared with me a 2023 article by Brooks, The Essential Skills for Being Human, and I couldn’t help but think: Isn’t this exactly what we strive for every time we come together as the Body of Christ? In worship, formation, and service, we are continually learning and growing in these essential skills.

The Gospel calls us to be more fully human, and to be more fully human is to live more deeply into God’s desire and dream for each of us. To embrace our full humanity is to become more Christlike—to live into the gift of who God created us to be at our very core.

As we begin our Lenten journey, I wanted to share a few of Brooks’ insights that seem especially meaningful for us:

  • Be a grower. Always strive to grow—to become a better version of ourselves. Take an honest but grace-filled look at who you are, and then take just one small step forward.

  • Be open-hearted. Kindness, compassion, and a posture of openness are essential to our humanity. Be respectful, accepting, and truly present to others.

  • Be an illuminator, not a diminisher. Illuminators help others feel seen, valued, respected, and alive. Diminishers, on the other hand, make others feel small and insignificant. Choose to lift others up.

  • Be a good listener. True listening requires full presence. When we truly pay attention, we honor the humanity of the person before us.

  • Be an accompanist. (Not in the musical sense, but in life!) We walk this journey together. We certainly can’t fix everything, but we can be present with one another amid the realities of our lives.

  • Stand in their standpoint. Seek to understand the perspective of another. Ask questions, listen deeply, and receive their story with what Brooks calls “tender receptivity.”

  • Live with abiding love. May everything we do—how we see, support, understand, communicate, and respond—be rooted in abiding love.

May this Lenten season be a time of deepening—of growing in these essential skills for being human and becoming more fully who God created us to be.

Peace and Blessings,


An Invitation to a Holy Lent

I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God's holy Word. – BCP p. 265

Dear friends,

This season of Lent is an opportunity for each of us to turn and return to God. It’s a time to slow down and re-focus our lives on the things that really matter. Most importantly, it’s a time for deepening our relationship with God in Christ through worship, learning, and fellowship. I invite you to join us at Trinity Church as we walk these holy days of Lent together.
Here’s a schedule of what’s going on at Trinity during this season:

Sundays at 9:30 AM: God of Grace and God of Glory

The hymn “God of Grace and God of Glory” was written in 1930 by Harry Emerson Fosdick for the occasion of the opening service and dedication of the Riverside Church in New York City. It is a prayer that God will grant to the Church wisdom, strength, and courage to be witnesses to God’s grace in challenging times – and all times are challenging in their own ways. Join Paul and Kara for the Adult Forum during Lent, as we discuss the verses of this hymn and what they may say to us today. 

Sunday afternoons: Confirmation Classes

There will be programs for both youth and adults to prepare for confirmation at the Easter Vigil, but you don’t have to be planning to be confirmed in order to participate.

  • Youth: Confirmation class with Donte at 6 PM on Sundays

  • Adults: Episcopal 101 with Kara at 2 PM on Sundays in the Thomas Room. Adults interested in confirmation, reception, reaffirmation of faith, or just interested in a refresher on the Episcopal Church are warmly invited to attend. 

Mondays at 5:30 PM: Book Discussion on Passions of the Soul by Rowan Williams 

Join Madeline Polhill for a discussion of the short book Passions of the Soul by Rowan Williams. In this book, former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams explores how the writing of Eastern Orthodox Christians can help us understand our lives today. The publisher’s description explains, “With compelling and illuminating insight, [Williams] shows the cost of living in a culture that is theologically and philosophically undernourished, working with a diminished and trivialized picture of the human self. The Eastern tradition teaches us how to develop our self-knowledge and awareness, so that we can relate to the world without selfish illusions. Only then can we be ready for our eyes to be opened to God, and avoid destructive patterns of behaviour.” For more information, contact Madeline at

Wednesdays at 5:30 PM: Eucharist, Dinner, and Lent program: Tbe ‘I am’ statements of Jesus

Our Wednesday evening program begins with Eucharist at 5:30, followed by dinner at 6 and program at 6:30. Each week, we will focus on one of the “I am” statements of Jesus. 

  • March 12: “I am the bread of life” with Paul

  • March 19: “I am the light of the world” with Noa

  • March 26: “I am the resurrection and the life” with Richard

  • April 2: “I am the way, the truth, and the life” and “I am the true vine” with Paul

  • April 9: “I am the Good Shepherd” and “I am the door” with Kara

Fridays at 12:15 PM: Friday Concert and Eucharist

Joseph Ferguson, Trinity’s Associate Director of Music, is curating a series of brief lunchtime concerts for Lent. Each concert will be followed by a simple service of the Holy Eucharist. It’s a wonderful way to end the week in the presence of God and in celebration of the beauty of holiness.

Weekdays at 7:45 AM and 5:00 PM: The Daily Office

If you’ve never experienced the Daily Office, and if you’re curious about a regular prayer practice in community, join us at 7:45 AM or 5 PM for Morning and Evening Prayer, either in the Michael Chapel or on Zoom. It’s a wonderful way to start or end your day. 

I encourage each one of you to choose at least one of these programs and make a commitment to attend weekly. On behalf of the entire staff, Wardens, and Vestry, I wish you every blessing in this most holy season.

Yours in Christ,


A Sacred Encounter: Music, Scripture, and the Call to Love  

Dear Beloved of Trinity Church,

On the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, February 2—also the Feast of the Presentation—our Trinity Schola Choir performed Come, you who are blessed by Jonathan Dove. I had never heard this piece before and experienced it for the first time during Evensong.

 As the music began, I closed my eyes, opened my heart, and allowed the words and music to envelop me. This can be a tricky thing when also officiating the liturgy, but I didn’t want to miss it. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to be fully present for this sacred choral offering. It stirred something deep within me, moving me to tears. (I encourage you to listen to this piece and open yourself to the movement of the Spirit through it.)

This composition is based on Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 25:

 "Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me." (Matthew 25:34-36)

Through this moving interpretation and presentation of our Lord’s teaching we are reminded of the Gospel imperative to care, to love, and to serve.  We, as God’s children, are intimately connected and are called to care for one another as if we are caring for Christ.  It is often all too easy to dismiss the “other” and keep our focus solely upon ourselves and those closest to us. Yet, Christ’s example demands more—a radical reorientation of our hearts and lives. He calls us to love as He loves, to serve as He serves.

For the sake of love.
In the name of Christ.
To the glory of God.

Peace and Blessings,

Campaign Forum Next Sunday

Dear Good People of Trinity Church,

We warmly invite you to a special Forum Hour on Sunday, February 23, at 9:30 AM in Pierce-Bishop Hall. This gathering will be an opportunity to delve deeper into the vision behind our campaign, as previously shared, and to explore how it will strengthen our mission and ministry. You will also have a chance to meet our campaign leadership team, ask questions, and share your thoughts.

Trinity has nourished us all and made a lasting impact far beyond its walls. Our deepest hope is that our Church will continue to thrive for generations to come. Your prayers, presence, and participation are essential to our success.

Join us for this most important and exciting conversation as we step forward in faith, united in purpose, and grounded in God’s grace to secure the future of our beloved parish. 

"Grant us wisdom, grant us courage
for the facing of this hour … and for generations to come."

Peace and Blessings,

Be More Tree

Dear Friends,

This week, a parishioner passed along a wonderful article - Deep roots and wide branches: Polarity Management and the tensions that aren’t resolvable, or, Be More Tree by Elizabeth Oldfield.

I found her words to be a stream of life-giving water in these turbulent times. Below, you will find a few excerpts for your consideration and reflection. 

  • I can’t be the only one feeling the need for more spiritual core strength. I am managing two seemingly opposing instincts: I want to resist this reactionary moment by reaching out to those different from me, to model a hospitality I do not see playing out on the world stage. I’m also aware of a desire to pull back into safety, to shelter in sameness and unquestioned belonging. I do not have the energy to deal with Those Guys. Today I am writing about why these two instincts are not opposites, but might instead be poles in a healthy rhythm or two parts of a dance.

  • We were always looking for the best arguments from a range of possible perspectives. This process quickly made clear that the semi-concious mental model I was carrying (people who disagree with me are stupid or terrible or both) was not sustainable.

  •  Polarity Management is a concept developed by Barry Johnson, and I came across it through Rabbi Shoshana Boyd Gelfand, whose Ted X talk is a useful introduction … The key concept is that while many problems have one right answer, polarities have two interdependent answers. They are unresolvable in that sense, so instead need to be managed. Johnson uses breathing as the key metaphor. Inhaling and exhaling are both essential processes. The midpoint between them is not the place to aim for. We must instead do both at the right time. They both have upsides, and, if we only did one of them, major downsides…Inhale, exhale, repeat.

  •  My most precious biblical metaphor is a tree. Polarity management is illuminating but still too machine-like for my tastes … Trees are woven through my scriptures. The tree of life in Eden which Adam and Eve reject in favour of the tree of knowledge, a tree of execution at the crucifixion, a whole forest of trees of life in the final book of Revelation. There is one image that comes up multiple times like a leitmotif, it’s repeated refrain calling back and forward through the centuries. Here it is in Jeremiah:

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,

whose confidence is in him.

They will be like a tree planted by the water

that sends out its roots by the stream.

It does not fear when heat comes;

its leaves are always green.

It has no worries in a year of drought

and never fails to bear fruit.”

  • We have found that being unapologetically ourselves gives others permission to do so too. Our distinctive Christian identity seems to be no barrier to people of radically different outlooks feeling at home in our space. Difference is not, as I am always saying, inherently a threat. It is often a gift. It is certainly more interesting. It is only when we become defensive and defended, anxious and triggered by that difference that it causes problems. Deep roots alone makes us rigid. My husband says “when we don’t welcome strangers, we become strange”. Wide branches without roots leaves us fragile, without the resilience to be of use, long term. The deeper our roots, the more sure of our own belovedness, the more open we are also able to be.

To dig a little deeper visit:

In these times, may we find our roots deep in the soil of God’s grace and our branches spread wide sharing God’s healing that we all may indeed live more fully in the truth of belovedness.

Forward in faith!

Walking Forward in Faith

My Lord God,

I have no idea where I am going.

I do not see the road ahead of me.

I cannot know for certain where it will end.

nor do I really know myself,

and the fact that I think I am following your will

does not mean that I am actually doing so.

But I believe that the desire to please you

does in fact please you.

And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing.

I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire.

And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road,

though I may know nothing about it.

Therefore will I trust you always though

I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death.

I will not fear, for you are ever with me,

and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.

“The Merton Prayer” from Thoughts in Solitude 

Dear Good People of Trinity,

Finding our way in life is not always easy. How often do we wish for a clear map, a step-by-step guide, or at least a divine GPS to show us the way? But life doesn’t work that way. Instead, we walk forward in faith, often uncertain of where the path will lead.

Like many of you, I long for clarity. I want to know with certainty that I am following God’s will, and that every step I take is in the right direction. But Thomas Merton’s beautiful prayer reminds us that our journey with God is not about having perfect clarity—it’s about trust.

Merton’s words assure us that even when we feel lost, even when the road ahead is uncertain, God is with us. What pleases God is not our ability to navigate flawlessly, but our deep desire to follow. And that desire, however imperfect, is enough.

This prayer invites us to surrender—not in fear, but in trust. It reminds us that even in the shadows, we are never alone. God is always walking beside us, leading us forward, even when we cannot see the way. So let us move forward in faith, trusting that the One who calls us beloved will never leave us to face our perils alone.

Peace and Blessings,
