Through Darkness to Light: Free Virtual Advent Retreat

The Church Times in England is sponsoring a brief online Advent retreat this Saturday, November 30. You can read more about the speakers at this link: Trinity has purchased a group ticket, which means you can view the retreat program anytime your schedule allows. The videos will be available on demand for those who don't want to get up at 5 am! We will send out the link in a separate e-blast as soon as we receive it. 

Cookie Walk

There will be a Cookie Walk on Sunday, December 8th, from 9am-12:30pm!

Here is how it works:

You buy a bag for a small fee, and then you fill it with cookies of your choice from the trays of delicious home-made cookies baked by fellow parishioners.  So please stop by after the 8am or 10:30 service, and enjoy this Christmas tradition!

Bakers needed!! 

Can you find some time to bake some of your favorite Christmas cookie recipes?  We would love any amount you can make!  (Please, no store bought!) 
If so, then get in touch with Terri Brown at 609-915-3800 or  or sign up here:

Advent Poinsettia Delivery

The Flower Ministry team is getting ready for the Annual Poinsettia Delivery, and we could use your help!  

On Friday, December 13 through Sunday December 15, volunteers will deliver Christmas Poinsettia plants to parishioners.  The time involvement is just 1-2 hours, and the exact time you deliver is completely at your discretion.  

We will provide a list of recipients with addresses and contact information. We would like to get enough volunteers to create pairs of people to deliver, so there could be a driver and a caller.  The caller lets the parishioner know that we are on the way to drop off a plant.  This gives the parishioner a “heads up” to potentially to see a stranger at the door.

If you can help with this enjoyable and worthwhile event, please contact Terri Hassett Brown by either email at, or by phone, 609-915-3800.  

Christmas Pageant

It is time to sign up for the Christmas Pageant! This year's pageant will take place during the 10:30 am service on Sunday, December 22. We will be using a brand new script, complete with original songs! Rehearsals will be Sundays after church during the month of December, although not everyone will need to be at every rehearsal. There are opportunities for children of all ages to perform.  Please access this form to register and find all of the information:

Questions? Email Annie Bryson at

Angel Tree Update

It's time for Trinity's annual Angel Tree gift drive! This year, we are using an Amazon wish list for the gifts that kids in our community have requested. A tree with gift card tags will be in the Narthex for gift cards that cannot be purchased on Amazon. The wish list can be found here:

Gifts should be shipped to Kara Slade at 33 Mercer St, Princeton NJ 08540.  Contact Martha Lashbrook or Kara with any questions. 

Sunday's Forum

Advent is traditionally a time to focus on what's called the Four Last Things, including the reality of death. But in our culture, we are often hesitant to talk about it. For four weeks starting this Sunday, November 17, we'll consider both the theology and the practicalities of the end of life. Join us for this very special series at Trinity Church. This Sunday, Kara will lead a discussion of what Christians believe about death and eternal life. Don't miss it!