20's-30's Fellowship Pre-pihany Party

20's-30's Fellowship members and guests are invited to a "Pre-piphany party" on Sunday, January 5, after the 10:30 service. We will get Indian takeout, but we need to know how many people are coming! RSVP here so we can count you in! 


Holiday Schedule for Daily Office

Due to the seminary break, there will be no Evening Prayer until Monday, February 3. Morning Prayer continues on weekdays at 7:45 AM on Zoom (not in person). However there will be no Morning Prayer from December 24 to December 31. Zoom Morning Prayer will resume on Monday, January 3. 

If you haven't tried praying the Daily Office, our Zoom services are a wonderful way to try it out. Join us to find out how much it can add to your walk with Jesus. 

Help Needed for the Advent Brunch!

We need some elves to help with the following tasks for the Advent Brunch:

Saturday, December 21st from 12 to 4

·       Kitchen help to prep casseroles and other food.

·       Set-up and decorating of Pierce Hall.

Sunday, December 22nd 

·       9:30 to 11:30 Cook and set out food.

·       11:30 to 12:30 Help with serving.

·       12:30 to 1:30 Cleanup 

Please use the Signup Genius below to let us know if you can help.  The more the merrier since many hands make light work.  
