January is boring and we are too! "Vaguely middle-aged" people are warmly invited to join us for a potluck on Saturday, January 18 at 5:30 PM in Pierce-Bishop Hall. Childcare will be provided.
Epiphany Service and Burning of the Greens
Join us at 5 PM on Monday, january 6, for a choral Eucharist on the Feast of the Epiphany. The music will feature Renaissance polyphony. Bring some greenery from your tree to burn as we celebrate the revelation of Jesus Christ as the light to the Gentiles. Kids are also invited to bring some pieces of greenery to present at the Offertory on Sunday at the 10:30 service. (If you don't have any, we'll give you some!)
20's-30's Fellowship Pre-pihany Party
20's-30's Fellowship members and guests are invited to a "Pre-piphany party" on Sunday, January 5, after the 10:30 service. We will get Indian takeout, but we need to know how many people are coming! RSVP here so we can count you in!
Forum Series: Saints of the New Deal with Donn Mitchell
Our own Donn Mitchell is an expert on the influence of the Episcopal Church and faith in Christ on some of the major figrues of the 1930's and 1940's, including Frances Perkins and Eleanor Roosevelt. Come out and learn about faith and public life in this pivotal period in American history.
Holiday Schedule for Daily Office
Due to the seminary break, there will be no Evening Prayer until Monday, February 3. Morning Prayer continues on weekdays at 7:45 AM on Zoom (not in person). However there will be no Morning Prayer from December 24 to December 31. Zoom Morning Prayer will resume on Monday, January 3.
If you haven't tried praying the Daily Office, our Zoom services are a wonderful way to try it out. Join us to find out how much it can add to your walk with Jesus.
New Diocesan Website for Formation
The Diocese of New Jersey has set up a new website focused on formation for all ages. If you'd like to check out their resources, see https://www.growinfaithnj.org. It's truly wonderful to see the work that Canon Susanna Cates and her team have done to make formation resources available to congregations.
The Philadelphia Eleven Online Screening
Through January 6th, 2025, the documentary about the Philadelphia Eleven — the first women ordained as priests in the Episcopal Church in 1974 — will be available for personal screening. Get e-tickets here: https://kinema.com/events/the-philadelphia-eleven-ielwpc.
Platinum Club
Platinum Club’s frst meeting in 2025 wiil be February 18, 2025 at 12:00!
Encourage others to join - look around in church and reach out to a potential member! Let’s make this a lively and engaging group of “oldsters!”
Reminder: Bring your own sandwich for lunch. Dessert, drinks, coffee or tea will be available.