Sam Denler

Sam Denler is a tenor based in Hamilton, NJ. Sam is a singer in the Philadelphia Symphonic Choir, and regularly performs with the Philadelphia Orchestra and Yannick Nézet-Séguin. He also sings with Ryan Brandau in Amor Artis and Princeton Pro Musica. He recently filmed with Bradley Cooper for a scene in Netflix's upcoming 'Maestro', a biopic on Leonard Bernstein, finished his fifth residency with the Spoleto Festival USA Chorus, is a 2023-24 Voces8 US Scholar and is currently a finalist for Chanticleer. This year, he has been singing in and recording with startup group Convoco, a small ensemble comprised of young professionals, and recently completed a tour of Joby Talbot's 'Path of Miracles' with the Trenton-based Lotus Choir. He earned his Bachelor’s in Music Education at Westminster Choir College in 2019, where he was a member of the Westminster Choir for three years, touring across the US, Spain, and China, Kantorei, an elite ensemble specializing in early performance practice, and Symphonic Choir, with whom he performed several works in premiere venues such as Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and the Kimmel Center. 

The Great Dechurching

In the United States, we are currently experiencing the largest and fastest religious shift in the history of our country, as tens of millions of formally regular Christian worshipers nationwide have decided they no longer desire to attend church at all. These are what we now call the dechurched. About 40 million adults in America today used to go to church but no longer do, which accounts for around 16% of our adult population. For the first time in the eight decades that Gallup has tracked American religious membership, more adults in the United States do not attend church than attend church. This is not a gradual shift; it is jolting one. *

Dear Beloved of Trinity Church,

You may read the above selection from The Great Dechurching and find yourself despondent and afraid for the future of the church and our faith. I invite you however to take another look. What this means is that there are people all around us without a church home. When we speak of the dechurched that means people who used to be part of a community of faith, but for some reason, over a period of time, have fallen away from active participation in the church.

I will not go into the myriad reasons that has led to this decline in church participation and affiliation. But rather, I would like to propose that this means that we are living in a time with a great opportunity for growth and renewal. Consistently, the most effective tool in reversing this trend is not a social media presence, not a fancy membership program, not a new church building, but simply the willingness of one person to invite another person to come to church.

“If there is one single application from our research that you walk away with, please let it be this: invite your dechurched friends back to a healthy church with you. But unlike a simple nudge to go back to the gym, we would do well to open the doors of our homes and chairs at our table. We are not just telling them they should go back to church; we are inviting them into our lives, which includes church. Belonging (or lack thereof) is the primary pain point many dechurched feel. Of all the things people said would make them likely to return, this is the greatest felt need” (p.123)

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to invite people into our lives! “Church is not an event; it is a family. It not a perfect family, but it is a real spiritual family. We are, in some mysterious way, all grafted into Jesus’ body.” (p.125)

As we begin the new program year, I invite to invite someone to church.  And remember, you are not inviting them to a spiritual or religious event, not inviting them to a building, not inviting them to join a club, you are inviting them into your life, into our family, an imperfect one for sure, but one that is ultimately defined and animated by bondless love of God. Trinity Church is not a building, not program, not service, not a creed. Trinity Church is you and me, imperfect people finding our way together held, sustained, and guided by the love the God.  

I hope you feel that Trinity is truly worth being part of and something worth inviting someone to be a part of.

Peace and Blessings,

* Jim Davis and Michael Graham, The Great Dechurching: Who’s leaving, Why are they going, and What will it take to bring them back? (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2023)

Note from David Schneider

Well, sometimes you just need to write a note!

Yesterday we had our monthly Vestry meeting and, in addition to the various business items, we discussed how fortunate we all felt to be part of Trinity Church!  There is so much positive momentum at the church, and we are all excited about what this year will bring us!

For those of you at kick-off Sunday, I am sure you agree that it was just the right way to start our year.  A fabulous sermon (thank you Dr. Walton!) a celebratory picnic and a warm welcome for the new members of the Trinity team.  I would like to add my welcome to Meg and Wesley.  They are both amazing additions to an already stellar team.

And, we have so much to look forward to over the next few months as we move through the church year.  From All Saints Sunday to Advent to Easter; the calendar is full.  Plus there are so many ways to get involved and be part of the church beyond Sunday service  – Rummage, Turkey Trot, St Nicks – just to name a few!

We are also blessed to have Trudy Sykes and Bill Hackett leading our Stewardship Campaign for 2024.  More to follow soon, but please do prayerfully consider how you can support Trinity; in Time, in treasure and in talent.

The entire vestry is available at anytime if you have any thoughts, concerns or ideas.  I can be reached at

Finally, I want to thank Fr. Paul for his leadership.  The past few years have not been easy at all.  Suffice it to say – it has been a lot.  And Paul has handled it all with Love, Kindness and Confidence.  We are all blessed to have his leadership at Trinity.

Trinity is a very special place where we can worship, love and pray with one another. I thank you all for the opportunity to serve Trinity.   – it is an honor.

In Peace,


Introducing our new Interim Director of Communications

Dear Beloved of Trinity Church,

I am delighted to introduce our Interim Communications Director, Char Mansfield. Char (they/them) is a Princeton Theological Seminary MDiv recipient living in town until they finish their MSW at Rutgers in 2025. Originally from Seattle, WA, Char also has family throughout their homeland of Sweden. On top of being our Interim Director of Communications, Char is currently writing a book on the profound calling of Christian living. Attempting to follow this radical way of Jesus in their own life, they hope to develop and inspire Christian intentional communities as a reinvigoration of the koinonia practices of the early church for our modern world.

Char’s responsibilities will include maintenance of the website, overseeing the weekly e-Pistle, and managing the livestream of our Sunday worship.  We are truly blessed to have Char as part of our team. He will undoubtedly enrich our community. Please extend a warm and gracious welcome.  

I would also like to express my gratitude to Tom Scott, Nithila Peter, Annie Bryson, Phil Unetic, and Emily Pruszinski who will be guiding us through a search process for a permanent Communications Director.

Peace to all,

Church School and Youth Group Starting

Church School and Youth Group Starting

Church School and Youth Group begin this Sunday! Church School will be from 9:30-10:20 upstairs. It’s not too late to register. Looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday morning! 

(Here’s the link to the google form for registration:

Youth Group will meet from 6 - 7:15 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Wesley and I are super excited to see everyone. We’ll bring the Pizza. Come on out for some food, fun, and conversation. 


Save the date for Carey Wallace’s visit on October 15!

Save the date for Carey Wallace’s visit on October 15!

Carey Wallace the author of Stories of the Saints, illustrated by Nick Thornborrow.  She will be coming to talk to us about some of the saints in her book, and about being an author. We will have copies of her book on site for purchase (put what you can in the basket). We’ll have some snacks as well. This is a forum for all ages, so caregivers, bring your kids, and tell you friends to come on out! You do not want to miss this! 

There will be Sunday school on October 15.