New Nursery Attendant

Hi there! My name is Grace Francque (pronounced “Frank-ee”), and I’m thrilled to be the new nursery attendant here at Trinity! A little background on me: I’m a student at Princeton Theological Seminary. Come May 2024, I’ll have a Masters in Theological Studies with a Specialization in Practical Theology and a Concentration in Education and Formation (if you think that’s a mouthful, try fitting it on a resume!). Before PTS, I was a student at the University of St. Thomas (MN) – Roll Toms! – where I got a Bachelor’s in Business Management with a minor in Theology and the Common Good. Outside of my educational experience, I’ve worked in dozens of fields from retail to accounting to clergy; I think of myself as a Jack-of-All-Trades, but I have the most fun and the most experience working in childcare! I’m excited to bring my decade’s worth of involvement in youth education and formation to Trinity, and I’m looking forward to meeting the children and families of this beautiful congregation. I’ll be up in the nursery on Sundays from 9am-12pm; I welcome you to stop on by, even just to say hi!

St. Nick’s Wrap


The congregation's response to the St. Nicholas Bazaar Bake Sale and Cookie Walk was wonderful to behold!  As those of you who attended the Bazaar and bought cookies and baked goods can attest, the quality of the offerings by a number of excellent parish chefs was extraordinary!

Thanks to the following wonderful workers: Ann Zultner, Anne Steinhorn, Pegi Stengel, Eric Brown, Liz King, Allan King, Helen King, Rob Fraser, Liddy Fraser, Connie Escher, Helen Hannan, Elizabeth Richards, Glyn Richards, Rhys Richards, John Hannan, Bill Lashbrook, Helene Davis, Amy Greenwood, Bonnie Bivins, Alison Roth, Carter Cunningham, Mary Hulme, Cheryl Eng, Gina Kornfeind, and a cast (of hundreds?) of cookie bakers! And let’s not forget Dr. Margaret Harper’s contribution of cookies inspired by Hildegard of Bingen. “Cookies of Joy” and were they good - none left!  And, Dr. Kara Slade’s hard work dismantling old candles paid off in a collection of lovely votive candles.

BUT, there are wreaths and boxwood trees still to buy. Don’t miss out! Stop by and pick one up. Leave a check at the Reception Desk or Venmo with the memo line denoting what you bought.

P.S.  If I left anyone out in giving thanks, forgive me, your contribution is valued. 

Turkey Trot

The 2023 Turkey Trot is approaching! On November 23, Trinity’s biggest fundraising event will take place once again. Some quick facts:

Over 2500 Participants

The largest annual run/race located in Princeton.

100% of Proceeds to Local Charities

The Turkey Trot is an all-volunteer charity fundraiser, with extremely low overhead. Last year, partner charities received over $65,000.

This event could not happen without the support of our wonderful volunteers. Interested in volunteering? Please use this form:

For more information about the Turkey Trot, visit

Call to Prayer

Dear Beloved of Trinity Church,

This past Sunday, we had an inspiring Adult Forum where we engaged openly and honestly in conversation about the current complexities of the world in which we live. This dialogue was prompted by the recent violence in Gaza, serving as another painful reminder that war and violence have sadly been recurring themes in our shared human history - the ongoing Ukraine and Russia crisis is yet another graphic example of our inability to coexist peacefully. And still, many other regions around the globe have violence and atrocities just as painful and horrific but often do not make international headlines. So, where do we go from here? What do we do? What does it do to our souls? 

It's entirely understandable that people grow tired of hearing well-intentioned promises of prayer. As Christians, however, prayer is a cornerstone of our faith. Prayer informs us, shapes us, and sustains us as we strive to embody the enduring hope of Christ that is in us. 

Therefore, prayer is exactly what I'm asking all of us to do. I'm asking everyone in the parish to intentionally offer the Prayer for the Human Family each day for the foreseeable future. May its words shape, inform, and challenge us as we find our way forward with the fervent hope that one glorious day, its words and intention will be realized. 

Prayer for the Human Family

O God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your Son: Look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in your good time, all nations and peoples may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Forward in Faith!

Peace and blessings to all,

Flower Arranging Workshop

Trinity Church in Princeton is hosting a flower arranging workshop on Saturday, November 4. This is an exciting opportunity for all the members of Diocesan Altar Guilds who work with flowers - and those who want to work with flowers at their church).

Date: Saturday, November 4, 2023 at Trinity Church.
Time: 10 AM to 3 PM 
Cost: $10.00 per person for the flowers you can take home!
Lunch will be provided
Please bring a small container in which to arrange.

Topics include dramatic but traditional arrangement, dramatic and  “WOW” arrangement, arranging for small spaces, followed by making your own arrangement with help and advice. 

The schedule may change slightly, but please let us know you are coming!  The flower and lunch order will be firm on October 30th, as we need to plan flower quantities and lunch. 

RSVP to Sylvia Temmer, or 609-647-7144

Another Way to "Love our Neighbors"

Trinity’s Love Our Neighbors Committee is focusing on ways in which parishioners can become more directly involved in our outreach efforts. Some of the regular programs we currently offer include the Angel Tree at Christmas, Habitat for Humanity work days, and volunteering for the Arm in Arm food pantry, among others. 

At the beginning of this school year, we sponsored a program to provide backpacks filled to the brim with school supplies for 100 elementary through high school age students identified by our outreach partner, HomeFront. The backpacks, which included canvas lunch boxes, were purchased with our Outreach budget, with supplies donated by nearly 40 parishioners.

We want to thank our donors for their generosity, including Betsy Ashton, Mary Bremer, Dulcie Bull, Matthew Dodd-Nickles, Lynda Dodd, Connie Esher, Steve Evans, Martin Geiger, Dan & Nell Haughton, Terri Hermann, Lucia Huebner, Deborah Jordan, Joyce Kelleher, Mary Ann Keyes, Allan King, Karen Leckey, Dirk Maney, Thalia Mingo, Dorothy Morin, Costa Papastephanou, Leslie Jennings Rowley, Tom & Melissa Scott, Tara Sikma, Jennifer Stone, Phillip Unetic, Ann Zultner, and many other donors who gave anonymously.

Trinity’s Outreach is enabling 100 students in our community to start their school year off right, and that’s just one more way we can “Love Our Neighbors.” 

Reminder of Weekday Services

Trinity offers services during the week as well! If you would like to participate in the liturgical life of Trinity outside of Sundays, please consider attending one of the following services.


12 noon | Holy Communion Rite I



5:30pm | Holy Communion Rite II


Every Monday – Friday

7:45am | Morning Prayer

5pm | Evening Prayer