Are you vaguely middle-aged, with kids or without? Join us for the launch of Oregon Trailblazers at Trinity at our Liturgical New Year's Eve party! We'll get together on Saturday, December 2, from 6-8 PM at the church to ring in Advent. Bring your kids if you'd like and we will make sure they leave with you - alive. Contact Kara for details (
Evensong with choral music by Bernard Rose, Betty Jackson King, and George Dyson, sung by the Trinity Adult Choir.
Bring a donation to help our community prepare for Thanksgiving. Bring food items to donate to Arm In Arm, or make a monetary gift at the offertory. All funds raised at Evensong will be donated to Arm In Arm.
Annual Meeting Sunday
Dear Beloved Vestry and Staff,
What a fantastic day yesterday! Wonderful worship, a positive and energized annual meeting, exciting newcomers gathering at the rectory (see photos attached), a beautiful compline service with over 50 people in attendance, and the youth group had a great night watching the Barbie movie followed by discussion. (There is a lot more going on in the film than you might think!)
Congratulations to Chris, Nicole, Steve, and Amelia! Welcome to the team. Here we go! Thank you for your willingness to serve as the Vestry Class of 2026!
Deep gratitude to Elaine, Clancy, and Spencer for your three years of faithful service. You have each brought wonderful gifts and insights to our team. Thank you!!
I echo my sentiments from yesterday. How incredibly blessed we are to have Kara, Wesley, Emily, Meg, Connor, Lily, Annie, Char, Enrique, and Roberto! Our staff is truly exceptional, and it is a blessing to work with you.
On a personal note, I would also like to extend my profound thanks for your kindness and care. You took me completely by surprise. I had no idea that anything was "in the works." I spoke with Christina yesterday and read her the letter. She was incredibly moved by your words of appreciation and your most kind offer to have a living memorial for her mother on the grounds of Trinity. I can't tell you how much that means to her and our family. November 10 was the fifth anniversary of Abuela's death, and November 11 was Christina's birthday. Thank you! Thank you!
And I truly believe what I said in the sermon. For though -- 190 years old, dear Trinity Church - believe or not…God is just getting started with us, and this is only the beginning. Forward faith and all to the glory of God.
Peace and Blessings,
Playful Worship
Starting this Sunday, November 12, we will be offering a new program called Playful Worship for young children during the 10:30 a.m. service!
Here is a brief summary of the details, followed by a short explanation.
What: Playful Worship
Who: Children ages PreK(4) - 3rd Grade
Where: Thomas Room (next to the Kitchen) - need help finding this space? Ask one of the Ushers for help.
When: 10:20 a.m. until approximately 11 a.m. (or during the announcements).
Alex Englert, a parent in our parish with two young, energetic children, has offered to lead this program each week. This is an opportunity for children from PreK(4) through 3rd grade to engage in worship by practicing a bit of stillness, and plenty of movement.
Alex will lead prayer, activities, and games for the kids during the first half of the 10:30 a.m. service. Then, he will bring the kids to rejoin the main service during the announcements, so that families can partake of the Eucharist together.
In order to help this program succeed, we need parental volunteers! If your child will participate in this program, please sign up to help with supervision at least twice between now and the end of May 2024. Use the following LINK.
Families can bring their children to the Thomas Room between 10:20 and 10:30 for drop-off. Children must be in PreK (4 year old) and be fully independent in the bathroom.
Play clothes and outdoor layers encouraged!
Annual Report
Siblings in Christ,
Our 2023 Annual Meeting is this Sunday at noon. Please see the attached annual report for an in-depth look at Trinity this year:
Your Trinity Team
Voices Chorale: Joyful Reflections
Saturday, December 9, 2023, 4:00 PM
Join Voices Chorale NJ for a festive concert featuring the heartfelt, rarely performed Christmas Oratorio by Camille Saint-Saëns and spirited arrangements of holiday favorite classics including, Joy to the World, There Shall a Star from Jacob Come Forth, Wassail, and joyful Hanukkah favorites. Led by Artistic Director Dr. David A. McConnell, the chorale continues its tradition of presenting engaging, challenging, and diverse music in this winter concert. Dr. Akiko Hosaki will accompany the choir on piano and organ. Visit for more information.
Youth Group Movie Night!
We have a Kennouncement for our youth: Movie night this Sunday! We will be watching Barbie! We’ll start at 5:30pm, so bring yourselves, a friend, and your best Barbie attire. See you there!
Volunteers Needed!
Our Annual Meeting is this Sunday, and we need volunteers to help with set up and take down. Please arrive at 11:15am for set up. Clean up after the lunch is where we have the biggest need, so please stick around afterward to help clean.
If you are interested in volunteering, email to RSVP as a volunteer.