Dear Friends,
It is with fullness of heart that I write to announce that I will be retiring from Trinity Church in mid-June of this year.
It has been a great joy to have served as Associate Rector at Trinity, and I am deeply grateful to Our Lord and to you all for extending to me such kindness, support, and love throughout these six years.
Sharing and growing together in our faith in Jesus Christ through the joys and challenges of this time has been an honor for me, and is a gift I will hold in my heart and will carry forward in all my ministry to come.
Trinity is a vital and thriving church growing in meaningful and exciting ways, and it has been a privilege to serve among you in this vibrant community in Christ. I will miss all of you as I set out for a new phase in my ministry and my family’s life.
Faithfully in Christ,
The Rev. Joanne Epply-Schmidt
Associate Rector
Trinity Church