Share in the Adventure

Dear Beloved of Trinity Church,

On April 1, Elaine Pagels’ new book, Miracles and Wonder: The Historical Mystery of Jesus, will be released. In the introduction, Elaine writes, “I cannot resist asking not only ‘Who was Jesus?’ but also ‘Who is he?’ What intrigues me is the astonishing persistence of Jesus, both rediscovered and reinvented.” She concludes by saying, “Excited by what I found, I invite you to share in the adventure.”

As a renowned scholar, Elaine deepens our understanding of the historical realities in which the church was formed. Yet her questions also speak to the heart of our ongoing journey of faith. We, too, must continually ask not only “Who was Jesus?”but also “Who is he?”—within the depths of our souls and the realities of our lives.

In this season of Lent, we are invited to embrace this never-ending, life-giving adventure. The Christian life is one of continual discovery, unfolding amid the ever-changing landscape of our lives and the complexities of the world around us. This adventure is not easy. Wrestling with both historical realities and sacred mysteries—the things we can prove and the things that require faith—is a challenge. And yet, I believe without doubt or hesitation that this adventure sustains us, frees us, and leads to life. Life in ways I never could have imagined. With strength I would not have found on my own and joy I would not have known.

I invite you to share in this extraordinary and life-giving adventure. It’s worth it!

Lenten blessings,
