Christmas Pageant

Dear Good People of Trinity,  

This Sunday is the joyous celebration of our annual Christmas Pageant, a time when the youngest members of our church family not only narrate the story of our Savior's birth but also breathe life into its very essence. They don't just tell the tale; they embody it, infusing it with vibrancy and life. Their portrayal of gentle lambs, angels, shepherds, and figures like Gabriel, Mary, Joseph, brings the story alive for us in new and wonderful ways.  

In their roles, the children extend an invitation for us not merely to witness but to actively discover our own roles within the beauty and power of the Christmas story. Moreover, they invite us to discern our place in the ongoing narrative of God and God’s people. As the children transition through the roles of the pageant, so do we, as we mature and evolve in our faith. This becomes a living testament to the dynamic nature of our spiritual journey, as God continually works within us in unexpected and transformative ways.   I invite you to join us this Sunday, not just to hear the familiar recounting of our Savior's birth but to fully immerse yourself in the profound experience. Come, discover your role in the ongoing narrative of healing in our world. Your presence is not merely that of an audience; you are the living words of the ever-unfolding story.  

Advent Blessings to all,