Important Family Ministry Update 

Dear Families, 

I am thrilled to be back at Trinity after my sabbatical. It was such a joy to see  many of you last Sunday! During my time away and upon my return, the Family  Ministry Oversight Committee (FMOC) and I had some important conversations,  leading to fresh insights and clarity about the ministry resulting in some changes. 

First, I regret that Grace Francque is no longer with us. We are deeply grateful for  her contributions to our children and wish her the very best in her next season of  ministry. Second, we are now actively searching for a full-time Director of Family Ministries. This individual will work under my supervision and in close partnership with our FMOC. In the meantime, we are committed to working creatively and  collaboratively to ensure that our programs continue to thrive and flourish. 

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the FMOC members—Krista  Galyon, Luise Lampe, Chris Leavell, Alicia McCarther, and our beloved Kara Slade.  Their dedication and faithfulness have been truly invaluable. 

As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or thoughts.  Your input and support are deeply appreciated! 

Forward in Faith! 


Introducing Donte Milligan, Minister of Youth 

It is my great pleasure to introduce our new Minister of Youth, Donte Milligan. Donte is the Head of Middle School and Chaplain at the Doane Academy in Burlington, NJ, where he has served since 2020. Donte and his family have been joining us for worship and are most happy to call Trinity their church home. In addition, Donte has been in conversation with Bishop French and has officially entered the process for ordination in the Episcopal Church. “My time at Doane Academy has been extremely influential to me personally and spiritually, leading me to leave the  Baptist tradition and begin the process of ordination in the Episcopal church.” 

Donte earned his Bachelors of Arts in History/Education Degree from Bloomsburg  University and his Masters of Arts in Biblical Studies from United Lutheran  Seminary. Donte is currently working on his Master of Sacred Theology from  United Lutheran Seminary as well. 

We’re thrilled to have Donte on board, and he will be leading the first youth event  of the year on Sunday, September 22. Stay tuned for more details! 

Please join me in warmly welcoming Donte and his family to the Trinity  community. You can reach him directly at 

Sunday School This Sunday!! 

Please join us this Sunday at 9:30 in the Children’s Chapel for our first week of  Sunday School. We welcome Noel McCormick, one of our amazing Trinity  choristers, who will lead the children in a time of song, celebration, and praise to  Kick-Off our year together!! 

See you Sunday!!