Sabbatical Reflection

Dear Good People of Trinity Church,

What an incredible few months it has been! My sabbatical has been a time of profound renewal and joy. It has given me the precious gift of time—to reconnect with my own soul and to share special moments with my family. I’ve traveled more extensively and flown more miles than ever before in my life.

What has made this journey so wonderfully liberating was the knowledge that I have a home and a community filled with love and support. As John O’Donohue beautifully writes in To Bless the Space Between Us, “Home is where the heart is. It stands for the sure center where individual life is shaped and from where it journeys forth.” 

The certainty of our home in Christ and within our beloved Trinity Church community frees us to fully embrace the adventures that life presents, wherever they may lead. We find our grounding and assurance in life’s uncertainties because we are always anchored in God’s love, no matter where our path takes us

Well now the time has come for my travels has come to an end and blessedly the journey has brought me and my family safely home. It’s good to be home! 

I look forward to being with you all on Sunday, September 8th as we Kick-Off our program year and open possibilities of where God will lead us this year!!

Peace and Blessings to all!