Stewardship Update

Joy to the world, the Lord is coming and our Savior reigns!  As we look forward to our celebration of the birth of Jesus let us not forget our brothers and sisters who are hungry, homeless and experiencing challenges living day to day.  It is through your financial support to Trinity that enables us to answer Jesus’ call, Matthew 25:40, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sister of mine, you did for me.”  Your PLEDGE enables us to not only “keep our lights on” but to remember and show our concern for all of God’s children.   Thank you if you have pledged, and please, pledge today if you haven’t.  As of mid-week we have 249 families and individuals who have pledged with a total of $839,679 toward our goal of $1,000,000.

With gratitude for your support,

Trudy Sykes and Bill Hackett

Stewardship Co-Chairs

It is with heartfelt appreciation that we thank the following members of our Trinity community who pledged for 2024. We Are Trinity Church! 

  • E. Kim Adams & Terrance O'Malley

  • Mary Elizabeth Allen

  • Judith Anderson

  • Linda Anderson

  • Greta Anderson

  • Nathan and Celeste Arrington

  • Betsy Ashton and James Stepleton

  • Vicki Austin-Smith

  • Louise Bachelder

  • Steven and Elizabeth Baglio

  • Janet Baker

  • Mark Baker and Susan Dibs

  • Barbara Banks

  • Grayson Barber

  • Daniel and Jennifer Bartell

  • Paul and Holly Becker

  • Micael and Betsy Bell

  • Andrew and Stephanie Benjamin

  • Merrill Biancosino

  • David and Bonnie Bivins

  • Michael Blaakman and Angharad Rebholz

  • Jayne Blankenship

  • Brett Boal and Lisa Shepard

  • Sheila Bodine

  • Raju and Lindsey Bohra

  • James and Olivan Boon

  • Henry and Michele Bowden

  • Benjamin Brand

  • Leslie Brecknell

  • Rebecca Brewer and Keith Snedeker

  • Dcn Henry and Susan Bristol

  • Ted and Barbara Bromley

  • Carol Brooks Thomas

  • Eric and Therese Brown

  • Greta Brown

  • Peter and Elizabeth Brown

  • Anne Bryson

  • Ryan Bubb

  • Margaret Burger

  • William Burks

  • B Thomas and Barbara Byrne

  • Jeanie and John Byrne

  • Kristen Callahan

  • Marlene Carlson

  • Milton and Elizabeth Charbonneau

  • Charles and Julia Chesebrough

  • Jeannette Ching

  • Valerie Ching

  • Dora Ching and Richard Wong

  • Linda Clark

  • Wendell Collins

  • Jeanne Conerly and David Venturo

  • Joseph and Donna Crafford

  • Donna Culin

  • Carter Cunningham

  • Randall and Heidi Currier

  • Daniel and Tracy Dart

  • Helene Davies

  • C VanLeer and Lynne Davis

  • Trey Delaney

  • Julia Denny Clark

  • Carol Desmond

  • Mike and Brenda Deverell

  • Adrian and Suzanne Dicker

  • Angela and Edward DiJoseph

  • Jacob and Patricia Dlamini

  • Annette Duvall-Atlee

  • Francis and Caryl Dyckman

  • Michael and Leslie Edwards

  • Anne Elliott

  • Shawn and Roberta Ellsworth

  • Art and Cheryl Eng

  • Alexander Englert and Luise Lampe

  • John Eory

  • Gustav and Constance Escher

  • Abigail Rian Evans

  • Larry and Wendy Evans

  • Stephen and Cheryl Evans

  • Marisa and Richard Farnum

  • Anne Faynberg

  • Evelyn Flory

  • Robert and Elizabeth Fraser

  • John Frederick

  • Antonia Fried

  • Richard and Mary Funsch

  • Vikram Galla and Pradeepa Jayakumar

  • Jeanne Garner

  • Julia Garry

  • Alexander Gedye and Fang Yan

  • Gregory Geehern

  • Aristides and Elizabeth Georgantas

  • Albert and Patricia Gerbig

  • Alexandra Gerry

  • Victor and Jacqueline Gibbs

  • Curtis and Sophie Glovier

  • Lloyd and Kari Gold

  • Solveig Gold and Joshua Katz

  • John and Judith Golden

  • Robin Gosnell

  • Allie Graham-Hicks and Margaret Hicks

  • John and Rebecca Griffith

  • Robert and Wanda Gunning

  • James and Kammi Gunton

  • William and Katharine Hackett

  • Helen Hannan

  • Carrie Hanson

  • Janet Haring

  • Dr Margaret Harper and Michael Gratkowski

  • Christine Hart

  • Dan and Nell Haughton

  • Jeanne-Louise Haviland

  • Jennifer Hayden

  • William and Aline Haynes

  • Donald Healy

  • Irene Hechler

  • JoAnn Heisen

  • Scott and Wendy Heiser

  • Dennis and Terri Hermann

  • Neal and Cynthia Hesterberg

  • Curtis Hoberman

  • Jim and Meg Holland

  • Charles and Lucia Huebner

  • Mary Hulme

  • Stu Hunter

  • Gregg H Hutchison

  • Andrea Hyde

  • Paul and Christina Jeanes

  • Lawrence and Deborah Jordan

  • Bruce Jordan and Jeanne Perantoni

  • Belrena Kelemen

  • Joyce Kelleher

  • Kenneth and Linda Kelly

  • Scott and Larissa Kelsey

  • John and Mary Kemp

  • Lanny King

  • Allan King and Helen Burke

  • Michael and Louise Kingston

  • Dana Klinges

  • David Knowlton and Diane Zompa

  • Nina Kola

  • Fred and Gina Kornfeind

  • Alex and Tricia Krajunus

  • Ira Lackey

  • David Lamb

  • William and Martha Lashbrook

  • Penelope Lattimer

  • Andrea Lauber

  • Ann Laughlin

  • Owen and Beverly Leach

  • Christopher Leavell and John Cooper

  • Lily Leonard

  • Lynn Lepore

  • Emma Levitt

  • Robert Lewis

  • Constance Leyden

  • Frank and Sharon Lorenzo

  • Kay Mack

  • Jean Mahoney

  • Robert and Joanna Martin

  • Sean and Alicia McCarther

  • Mark McConnell and Kangyan Chen

  • Maureen McCormick and Phillip Unetic

  • Lindsay McDowell

  • Scott McGoldrick and Linda Noel

  • Gary and Shirley McKnight

  • James and Julie Meidlinger

  • Robert Meier

  • Edwin and Nancy Metcalf

  • Jim Meyer

  • Theresa Meyers

  • John and Denise Miller

  • Douglas and Debbier Minck

  • Thalia Mingo

  • Donn Mitchell

  • Marc and Tina Marie Mitchell

  • Edmund Moeller

  • Dorothy Morin

  • John and Lauri Mulvey

  • Clive and Dulcie Muncaster

  • Jennifer Nasser

  • Sarah Jones Nelson

  • Joan Nester

  • Ronald Novak

  • Michael and Morgane O'Connell

  • Elaine Pagels

  • Peter and Els Paine

  • Stephen and Susan Paneyko

  • Constantin and May Papastephanou

  • Herman and Rosemary Parish

  • Dee Patberg

  • Deborah Pege

  • Anil and Nithila Peter

  • James Phillips

  • Joseph and Marte Pierson

  • Robert and Shirley Pietrucha

  • Conrad and Rebecca Plimpton

  • Madeline Polhill

  • John Pollock

  • Robert Predale and Karen Howard

  • Frances Preston

  • Jolyon and Emily Pruszinski

  • Peter and Mary Anne Quinn

  • Gil and Camille Quinton

  • Paul Raeder and Robert Holley

  • John Rassweiler

  • Elizabeth Read

  • Rebecca Reynolds

  • Abigail and Spencer Reynolds

  • Juliet Richardson and John Wynne

  • Lester and Barbara Robbins

  • Claire Roberts

  • William and Maeryn Roebling

  • Linda Rothkopf

  • Wesley Rowell

  • Clarence and Leslie Rowley

  • Ralph and Barbara Rubano

  • Henry Rulon-Miller

  • Sherrie Russell-Brown

  • Susan Sanford

  • Blaise and Ramona Santianni and Romero

  • John and Ruth Sayer

  • William and Lisa Schmid

  • Crawford Schneider

  • David and Molly Schneider

  • William Schowalter

  • Thomas and Melissa Scott

  • Edith Senyumba

  • Elizabeth Sheldon

  • J Nicole Shelton

  • Jane Shillaber

  • Tara Sikma

  • Kara Slade

  • Steve and Jean Snyder

  • Thomas and Margaret Southerland

  • John and Carol Spears

  • Vernon and Elaine Spencer

  • James and Michelle Stabler-Havener

  • James and Monica Stahl

  • Michael and Jody Stebbins

  • Anne Steinhorn

  • Elizabeth Stenard

  • Rob and Pegi Stengel

  • Mary Stevens

  • William and Joanna Storrar

  • John Sturges

  • John Sully and Katherine Rohrer

  • William A Sweeney

  • Gary and Trudy Sykes

  • Joseph Syzdek and JoAnn Witherow

  • Susan Tarr

  • Constance Tate

  • Sandi Tatnall

  • Sylvia Temmer

  • Jovi and Nancy Tenev

  • Andros Thomson

  • John Thurman and Hilary Winter

  • Daphne Townsend

  • James Trowbridge

  • Linda Twining

  • Martin and Joan Valcin

  • Janet Van Abs

  • Sara Vasiliu

  • Henry and Meredith Von Kohorn

  • Robert von Zumbusch

  • Ronald Waetzman and the Rev Stephen Connor

  • Brent Walker

  • J Calvin and Judy Walker

  • M'lou Walker

  • John and Happy Wallace

  • Carol Walsh

  • Robert Walsh

  • Wendy Warren and Joseph Fronczak

  • Amy and Jeff Watkins

  • George and Judy Webb

  • Ann Weeks

  • Christy Welborne

  • Dorothy Werner

  • Cynthia Westbrook

  • Maureen Westerman

  • Dennis Wheeler and Catherine O’Neill

  • Frederick Wherry and James Furst

  • Constance White

  • John and Susanne White

  • John White and Mary Alden

  • Cheryl Whitney

  • Amelia Willson

  • John and Kathleen Winant

  • Bruce Woodger

  • Stuart and Winifred Woody

  • Gil Woody

  • Richard and Ann Zultner