Stewardship Update

Dear Trinity Church,

Our revenue is less than our expenses. Last year our pledges totaled just over $1.0 million – a significant improvement over the several Covid years but still off earlier highs. Our plate contributions including Christmas and Easter are about $110,000. Rent from our properties totals about $200,000. Bequests and other gifts are usually around $25,000. In recent years we have relied on our endowment to cover the rest, withdrawing more than we have earned – a practice that is not sustainable long term.

When you ask yourself, “Who is Trinity Church to me?” I hope you find that Trinity is not just a building—it’s a home, a community, and a place where we all come together to do God’s work. Your pledge, however large or small will open the door to sustaining Trinity’s mission today and into the future as we continue this journey together.

In Christ, Bill Hackett and Trudy Sykes