Oregon Trailblazers are back!

If you’re “vaguely middle-aged,” a parent or not, you’re invited to join us for a Pre-Thanksgiving Potluck at 5:30 PM on Saturday, November 16 at 5:30 PM in the George Thomas Room. Bring something to share. Thanksgiving foods are optional, but if you want to test your recipes before your guests show up, we can help! Childcare will be provided. 

Stewardship 2025 - A Journey Together in Faith

Dear Friends,

We are in the midst of our Stewardship 2025 drive. Your participation is essential as we look to close the gap between our expenses and donations. Thank you to those who have made a pledge and to those who have increased your pledge. The future of Trinity, its mission and ministries, depends on the participation of all it members. As in the past, we will be collecting pledge cards during the services on All Saints Sunday this weekend. Please consider dropping yours in the plate at that time.

Peace and blessings to all,

Bill Hackett and Trudy Sykes

Turkey Trot

Thanksgiving approaches and with it the 17th running of the Trinity Turkey Trot.  Registrations are pouring in and we expect another sell-out this year.  If you intend to run/walk and haven’t registered yet, don’t wait until the last minute.

We are looking for volunteers to help distribute bibs and t-shirts during the week before the race and to perform a myriad of tasks on the day of the race.  You can sign up by clicking the Volunteer tab on the Turkey Trot web site.

As in years past, we are also collecting food for the Arm in Arm pantry.  See the website for details.


Stewardship Update

Dear Trinity Church,

Our revenue is less than our expenses. Last year our pledges totaled just over $1.0 million – a significant improvement over the several Covid years but still off earlier highs. Our plate contributions including Christmas and Easter are about $110,000. Rent from our properties totals about $200,000. Bequests and other gifts are usually around $25,000. In recent years we have relied on our endowment to cover the rest, withdrawing more than we have earned – a practice that is not sustainable long term.

When you ask yourself, “Who is Trinity Church to me?” I hope you find that Trinity is not just a building—it’s a home, a community, and a place where we all come together to do God’s work. Your pledge, however large or small will open the door to sustaining Trinity’s mission today and into the future as we continue this journey together.

In Christ, Bill Hackett and Trudy Sykes

All Shall Be Well … A Morning of Quiet Contemplation

Take a respite from the world for a morning of quiet contemplation, with selected sayings from Julian of Norwich’s Long Text of the Revelations of Divine Love in contrast to its fourteenth century context.

Saturday, October 26th, 9:00AM-12:00PM with Bonnie Bivins in Trinity Church’s Thomas Room next to Pierce Hall.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu on the Anglican Order of Worship

Archbishop Desmond Tutu was known for his work as an anti-apartheid and human rights activist. His social and political perspectives and his theological efforts to bring eleven ethnic cultures into one communion are integrated into his thoughts in each section on the Anglican Order of Worship, as captured in the Rev. Michael Battle’s book Reconciliation. Join Bonnie Bivins in the continued discussion of how this understanding relates to our worship of the Holy Eucharist.

We will meet in the Flemer Library on Sunday at 9:30 AM.