From the Holy Land

Sunrise Eucharist in the desert

To the good people of Trinity in Princeton,

I always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in my prayers, constantly remembering before our God and Father our work of faith and labor of steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Trinity pilgrims arrived safe and sound in the Holy Land! Our days have been filled with sights and sounds, people and landscapes that have truly been a blessing from God. We have joined with thousands and thousands of other pilgrims who have come from every corner of God’s creation to this beloved and sacred land. We, and they, come seeking insight, healing, courage, and guidance. Together, we come to experience, as we say each Sunday, “an encounter with the Holy One, the Risen One – the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Yesterday, we traveled to the desert for a sunrise eucharist. We then continued on to Jericho, the Mount of Temptation, and finally to Nazareth to visit the Basilica of the Annunciation.

Mount of Temptation

The Basilica of the Annunciation, Exterior

The Basilica of the Annunciation, Interior

On Thursday morning, we departed at 7am make our way to the River Jordan to renew our Baptismal Vows and then off to Capernaum, Peter’s house, the Mount of Beatitudes, and a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee.

Renewal of Baptismal Vows at the River Jordan

Capernaum and St. Peter’s House

The Mount of Beatitudes

Holy Eucharist on the shore of the Sea of Galilee

A boat ride of the Sea of Galilee

Each day has been an opportunity for blessing. Each moment offers the possibility of something sacred, transformative, and life-giving.

As we continue on our journey, I bid your prayers. May our travels be safe, our relationships enriched, and our faith renewed.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Peace & blessings to all!


The Rev. Paul Jeanes III, Rector


This Is My Body

On Wednesday, we gathered to begin our Lent series on being human in the body of Christ. It was a wonderful evening with an enthusiastic group, and we enjoyed an excellent dinner thanks to our intrepid Vestry. If you missed last week, please do join us next time. In our program, we began by talking about the Incarnation of God in Jesus Christ, the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist that we receive every Sunday, and what this might tell us about our own lives as human beings who are body-havers and not merely brains in jars.

Christian history is littered with examples of heretics who taught that only the spirit is good, while material creation is somehow evil. But when God created, God named that creation good. And God comes to us not as an idea, or as a concept, or as a nebulous presence, but as a child - as the Word made flesh. And that taking-on of our fleshly nature shows us God’s care for all of us, not just part of who we are, because God meets us where we are.

The logic of the incarnation is also the logic of the sacraments, where God promises to meet us in material stuff - in water, bread, wine - and impart grace through them. In his wonderful book Why Sacraments, our CTI friend Andrew Davison writes this:

Why should we bother with the sacraments? Well, why would God bother with them? The answer is that God thought it fitting to reach human beings in a human way. Calvin approached this with his idea of ‘accommodation’: in his action towards us, God accommodates himself to what we are.

He continues by quoting the 20th century Anglican mystic Evelyn Underhill, who wrote:

In the Eucharist (as in other sacraments) God the Supernatural seeks man [and woman, of course] by natural vehicles and lowly ways, and man, the creature of the borderland, makes his small response by the same means … and thus man learns to recognise the constant mysterious intermingling, yet utter distinctness, of his natural and supernatural life.

Because we are creatures who encounter the world through our five senses, that is how God encounters us. As sacrament-shaped people, we regularly meet God in the places where God has promised to be. And then, we are sent out as those who are ready to see God at work in the world around us and to share the news of what God is up to.

Will you meet me this Sunday where God has promised to meet you?

In Christ,


The Rev. Cn. Dr. Kara Slade, Associate Rector


A Letter from the Rev. Joanne Epply-Schmidt

Dear Friends,

It is with fullness of heart that I write to announce that I will be retiring from Trinity Church in mid-June of this year.

It has been a great joy to have served as Associate Rector at Trinity, and I am deeply grateful to Our Lord and to you all for extending to me such kindness, support, and love throughout these six years.

Sharing and growing together in our faith in Jesus Christ through the joys and challenges of this time has been an honor for me, and is a gift I will hold in my heart and will carry forward in all my ministry to come.

Trinity is a vital and thriving church growing in meaningful and exciting ways, and it has been a privilege to serve among you in this vibrant community in Christ. I will miss all of you as I set out for a new phase in my ministry and my family’s life.

Faithfully in Christ,


The Rev. Joanne Epply-Schmidt
Associate Rector
Trinity Church

Doubt, Our Faithful Companion

Our faith journey can be somewhat circuitous. In fact, it is, more often than not, a very circuitous journey. We seldom, if ever, take the most direct route to God. Our path is winding and twisting. It sometimes leads us to dead-ends, and other times we journey for years only to find ourselves back in the exact place we started. The life of faith is not easy. It ebbs and flows. There are seasons of abundance and scarcity, times of nourishing rain, and devastating drought.


But what do we do in times of scarcity and want, confusion and doubt? Our beloved Nancy Hagner sent me a book by Brian D. McLaren, Faith after Doubt. A lifelong Christian, pastor, teacher, and author, McLaren noted that we don’t often know what to do when our faith seems to fail us. What do we do when suddenly we find ourselves questioning and doubting? What does it mean? What’s wrong with me? Is my faith not strong enough?

McLaren points out that doubt is an essential part of faith, “eventually, I came to realize that doubt was a companion, every bit as resilient and persistent as faith, and she wasn’t going away. I realized that she had some things to teach me, and I decided since I couldn’t shut her up or drive her away, I might as well learn from her. She’s turned out to be a tough but effective teacher and a difficult but faithful friend.”

Let’s face it, what we believe is hard to believe. Theologian Paul Tillich writes, “Doubt isn’t the opposite of faith; it is an element of faith … Sometimes I think it is my mission to bring faith to the faithless, and doubt to the faithful.” In our state of “blessed unrest,” we must allow ourselves the freedom to inquire, explore, and wrestle with our faith. I believe that the Holy Spirit is fully alive and at work in our doubts leading us to new and previously unexperienced and unexpected places on our journey, offering the possibility of growth and understanding on our way to greater spiritual maturity.

Forward we go, fellow sojourners, with honesty about what we believe and where we struggle and question and doubt, trusting fully that God is at work!

Peace and blessings,


The Rev. Paul Jeanes III, Rector


Announcing Search for Trinity’s Next Music Director

Sing aloud to God our strength;
shout for joy to the God of Jacob.
Raise a song, sound the tambourine,
the sweet lyre with the harp.

— Psalm 81:1-2

Dear Beloved of Trinity Church,

I bring you good news! Our Music Search Committee is hard at work and the process is well underway.

For nearly one hundred and ninety years, Trinity Church has been a beacon of faith, hope, and love in the very heart of Princeton. We are in an Episcopal congregation in the Diocese of New Jersey devoted to striking, spirit-filled worship in the Anglican prayer book and choral traditions, lifelong Christian formation and fellowship, and the care and comfort of those most in need in our community and in the world, always aspiring to be a visible and tangible sign of Christ’s ineffable love.

We welcome all people, regardless of gender, race, age, culture, ethnic background, sexual orientation, economic circumstance, family configuration, or difference of ability. We celebrate the worth, dignity, and gifts of every person as a child of God and invite all into the full life of the church.

I offer my sincere thanks to our team of both Trinity members and community partners who are faithfully and prayerfully dedicated to this important work.


Matthew Baglio
Carol Burden
Gabriel Crouch
Cheryl Evans
Barbara Gonzalez-Palmer
Andrea Hyde
Mark McConnell

Eric Plutz
Wesley Rowell
Iris Sikma
Trudy Sykes
Cindy Westbrook
Mike Williams


Co-Chairs: Leslie Edwards and Clancy Rowley

I bid your prayers for all involved that we will indeed be open to the Spirit’s leading, as we live into this next season of our common life together as the people of Trinity Church.

Forward in Faith!

In Christ,


The Rev. Paul Jeanes III, Rector


From the Search Committee

Dear members and friends of Trinity Church,

We are writing to provide an update from the Search Committee for the Trinity Director of Music.  The Search Committee began work in December with the recruitment of members and the development of an aggressive timeline in which to complete the search.  Members have worked together to draft a job description that has been carefully and thoroughly reviewed and was published this week and can be viewed on the Trinity website.

At the same time, we have developed a survey for stakeholders:  congregation members, past and present choir members, and those who are deeply invested in the music program at Trinity Church Princeton.  The results of the survey will guide our selection of potential candidates, inform our interview process, and be considered in the work of the music program steering committee once a candidate has been selected.    

The survey has eight questions and is available online, as a PDF that can be printed and returned to the church, and in paper format, available starting Sunday, February 19 before and after all services.  

It is our goal to be as open and transparent in the process as possible.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact any of the members of the search committee.  

With gratitude for this opportunity, 

Leslie Edwards & Clancy Rowley

on behalf of the Director of Music Search Committee:

Matthew Baglio, Carol Burden,  Gabriel Crouch, Cheryl Evans, Barbara Gonzalez-Palmer, Andrea Hyde, Mark McConnell, Eric Plutz, Wesley Rowell, Iris Sikma, Trudy Sykes, Cindy Westbrook, and Mike Williams

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany


Choose life so that you and your descendants may live, loving the Lord your God. — Deuteronomy 30:19-20

Deuteronomy 30:15-20

The Magic Word, by Mac Barnett (PreK+)

1 Corinthians 3:1-9

Farmer Will Allen and the Growing Table, by Jacqueline Briggs (Grade 1+)

Matthew 5:21-37

Julius, the Baby of the World, by Kevin Henkes (PreK+)


In this week’s text from Deuteronomy, Moses speaks to the Israelites before they reach the promised land. “Choose life!” he tells them. What does it mean to choose life? The short answer Moses gives is “loving the Lord your God, walking his ways, and observing his commandments.” When we have small children, we encourage them to choose sharing over grabbing, being a friend instead of a mean-y, using gentleness instead of hitting. We offer them simple choices to grow their independence within boundaries. “Would you like an apple or a clementine with your lunch today?” As our children grow, choices multiply and grow in complexity. Our kids navigate choosing friends, choosing to study for a test (or not), and all kinds of other more hair-raising issues. We find ourselves shouting “Make good choices!” at them as they slam the car door and run into school. It turns out that choosing life over death is a complicated thing that takes a lot of practice. In Mac Barnett’s book The Magic Word, Paxton chooses to substitute his own “magic word” for the “please” his babysitter expects. “Alakazoomba!” turns out to be a word that gets Paxton whatever, and I mean whatever, he wants, no matter how absurd or extravagant. Eventually, Paxton has wished everyone away, because they did not agree with him, and discovers that he is lonely. Barnett’s humor is enhanced by Elise Parsley’s expressive illustrations.
Older readers will appreciate Roald Dahl’s book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Jump to the resources from September 4 for that one.

Paul’s letter to the Corinthians is famously full of scolding. The church in Corinth is struggling to choose life. They keep getting distracted by unimportant things. Paul reminds them that they need to focus on growing in their ability to follow God’s ways. He compares the church to a field full of seeds ready to grow. He says that it does not matter who planted the seeds, but it matters that God gives them what they need to grow. Those of you are gardeners may already be looking ahead to the spring and planning your garden beds. Gardeners put time, energy, and planning into their gardens, even in winter. Jacqueline Briggs Martin’s book, Farmer Will Allen and the Growing Table, tells the story of former professional basketball player Will Allen and the magnificent garden he dreamed into existence. Instead of seeing death and ugliness in an abandoned lot in urban Milwaukee, Will Allen saw potential and dreamed of a garden that could feed an enormous table of hungry people. With creativity, persistence, innovation, and collaboration, Will Allen transformed the lot into a thriving urban garden. He was awarded a MacArthur Foundation Genius Fellowship in 2008. While Will Allen’s farming projects have changed over time, his commitment to growing remains strong. While the kind of growth in this story is visible and edible crops, Will Allen’s story connects back to the invisible growth that

happens in our spirits, our hearts, and our minds, when we follow God. With your loved ones, you might talk about the following questions. What kinds of seeds are growing in your own spirits right now? What seeds have not yet sprouted?

This week’s text from Matthew’s Gospel continues the Sermon on the Mount. Chapters 5-7 in Matthew’s Gospel contain this dense portion of Jesus’ teaching. For Matthew, Jesus is like a new Moses—he wanted to remind his readers of Moses giving the law to the Israelites from Mt. Sinai. Can you see connections between the short text from Deuteronomy (where Moses talks to the Israelites about following God’s ways) and this text? Jesus teaches that when we are in a disagreement, we should “be reconciled to our brother or sister” before coming to offer gifts at the altar. While we often think of our entire church community as a church family, and apply his teaching to disagreements in that context, it is also helpful to remember the importance of making up with our biological families when we fight. Kevin Henkes, beloved children’s author and Caldecott Medal winner, has a book that connects will with this theme. In Julius, Baby of the World, Lilly gets angry with her baby brother Julius for monopolizing everyone’s attention. He is just so infuriatingly cute! She resents him. But (there’s always a but...) when her cousin insults Julius, she leaps to his defense. Lilly realizes that Julius is pretty great after all, and the two mice are reconciled. Anger is a powerful emotion that can get out of control before we know it. Let’s be real—a lot of have lost our tempers at some point. When we end up “Hulking out,” we need tools to repair our relationships afterward. Helping our children practice reconciliation at home is a good place to start. With your loved ones, you might wonder together: what makes it hard to calm down when you are angry? What helps you calm down after you have felt angry?



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Getting Ready to Get Ready

It’s Shrovetide!

(Yes, that’s a real thing)

Dear friends,

Did you know that last Sunday began a season-within-a-season in this season of Epiphany? Gesimatide, or Shrovetide, began on February 5, the third Sunday before Ash Wednesday. That Sunday is called Septuagesima, from the Latin meaning “the seventieth.” The following two Sundays are Sexagesima and the majestically named Quinquagesima – marking very roughly 60 and 50 days respectively before Easter.

The 17 days of Shrovetide are a time of spiritual preparation for Lent, gently easing us from the joy and glory of Epiphany to the somber reality of Ash Wednesday. According to the First Council of Orleans in 511 AD, it was a time when “many pious ecclesiastics and lay persons of the primitive Church used to fast seventy days before Easter, and their fast was called, therefore, Septuagesima, a name which was afterwards retained to distinguish this Sunday from others.”

And while I’m not going to fast right now, and I’m not telling you to do so either, it is a good time to begin taking stock, to ask ourselves what God might be calling us to do, or not do, during Lent. I think it also fits in with the dullness of February, this time when we are waiting for the end of winter and the beginning of spring. We are getting ready to get ready, slowly taking stock of what we might need to make part of our spiritual spring-cleaning.

Join me these next 2 weeks in praying that God will help each one of us to get ready, so that we will be ready to enter into the reality of Lent together, and to prepare eventually for the great Paschal feast.

Yours in Christ,


The Rev. Cn. Dr. Kara Slade, Associate Rector


P.S., One of my favorite YouTube videos of all time is this piece on February by local St. Louis journalist Kevin Killeen. I hope it gives you a laugh too.



Dear Good People of Trinity Church,

Julian of Norwich, a 14th-century mystic, is an iconic example of Christian mysticism's power and gift, transcending the confines of time and location. Hugh Hildesley writes in his book, Journeying with Julian, “It is my conviction that the reason Julian’s theology has recently acquired so much attention is that it speaks precisely to our time and that many of the pressures we face are remarkably similar to those … of the time and place in which Julian lived and wrote. Julian suggested the principal message and purpose which God has for us is love, a love that cannot be overcome by the powers of the world.” ¹

What, do you wish to know your Lord’s meeting in this thing? Know it well, love was his meaning. Who reveals it to you? Love. What did he reveal to you? Love. Why does he reveal it to you? For love.” ²

At the heart of Julian’s way of life is a desire for oneness with God, an ultimate and intimate connection with the Divine. She calls this oneing, “that all might be one as the Father and I are one.” (John 17:22) ³  Julian describes the oneness or spiritual marriage to be like “the rain falling from heaven into a river or stream, becoming one and the same liquid, so that the river and the rainwater cannot be divided; or it resembles a stream flowing into the ocean with cannot afterward be disunited from it.” ⁴

The church, she believes, plays an integral role in our quest for spiritual union with God. It may even be said that this is our “primary task…to enable broken human beings to be made whole in the love of God.” ⁵ This is at the core of the way of the Christian mystic, as Carl McColman writes, “What do Christian mystics tell us? That the wisdom they offer us can literally unite us with God – or at the very least, give us such a powerful experience of God’s presence that it can revolutionize our lives. The purpose of such transformed lives is not primarily to achieve a goal (like enlightenment or spiritual bliss) but rather to participate in the Holy Spirit’s ongoing activity – embodying the flowing love of Christ, love that we, in turn, give back to God as well as to ‘our neighbors as ourselves.’” ⁶

May we open ourselves to true oneness with the Divine so that we may more fully live into our call to participate in the Holy Spirit’s ongoing activity. Trusting always in God’s goodness and love that, All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.

Peace and Blessings,


The Rev. Paul Jeanes III, Rector

  1. C. Hugh Hildesley, Journeying with Julian, p. 96

  2. Hildesley, p. 96

  3. Hildesley, p.163

  4. Bernard McGinn, The Essential Writings of Christian Mysticism, p. 457

  5. Hildesley, p.163

  6. Carl McColman, The Big Book of Christian Mysticism, p.16