Siblings in Christ,
Our 2023 Annual Meeting is this Sunday at noon. Please see the attached annual report for an in-depth look at Trinity this year:
Your Trinity Team
Siblings in Christ,
Our 2023 Annual Meeting is this Sunday at noon. Please see the attached annual report for an in-depth look at Trinity this year:
Your Trinity Team
Saturday, December 9, 2023, 4:00 PM
Join Voices Chorale NJ for a festive concert featuring the heartfelt, rarely performed Christmas Oratorio by Camille Saint-Saëns and spirited arrangements of holiday favorite classics including, Joy to the World, There Shall a Star from Jacob Come Forth, Wassail, and joyful Hanukkah favorites. Led by Artistic Director Dr. David A. McConnell, the chorale continues its tradition of presenting engaging, challenging, and diverse music in this winter concert. Dr. Akiko Hosaki will accompany the choir on piano and organ. Visit for more information.
We have a Kennouncement for our youth: Movie night this Sunday! We will be watching Barbie! We’ll start at 5:30pm, so bring yourselves, a friend, and your best Barbie attire. See you there!
Our Annual Meeting is this Sunday, and we need volunteers to help with set up and take down. Please arrive at 11:15am for set up. Clean up after the lunch is where we have the biggest need, so please stick around afterward to help clean.
If you are interested in volunteering, email to RSVP as a volunteer.
The final Newcomers event of the year is the Tea at the Rectory on Sunday, November 12 at 4 pm. Father Paul Jeanes lives next door to the church at 25 Mercer St. It's a one-hour event as we'll walk with him to the church at 5 pm for Compline. Children are welcome to attend. Enjoy snacks and tea, cider or wine while getting to know our clergy, vestry and fellow newcomers.
This Sunday, we will observe All Saints' Sunday. As part of our observance, we will have a display board in the Narthex and we invite you to bring a photo of a loved one you would like to remember this weekend. We will also have Post-It Notes available to add names. We hope you'll take this opportunity to add to our "great cloud of witnesses."
The Angel Tree project is happening again this year. The Tree will be up in the Narthex on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. We have requests this year to help 160 people with gifts from the three agencies listed below. Many want gift cards but there will be some gifts for children. All gifts will need to be at church by Sunday, Dec. 10th. More specific directions will be by the tree and in future Epistles.
Housing Initiatives of Princeton – this program, which was started by Trinity Church, provides transitional housing for 24 months coupled with supportive services. They also provide temporary rental assistance to enable low-income families to retain existing housing or acquire affordable housing.
Urban Promise of Trenton - their mission is to equip Trenton’s children and young adults with the skills necessary for academic achievement, life management, spiritual growth and Christian leadership. We have supported this agency since their inception 11 years ago with the Turkey Trot, summer day camp, and of course the Angel Tree.
Arm in Arm – is another agency started by Trinity church in the 1980’s. We will support the All Kids Thrive program of 15 youth and the Housing Stability program of 23 families.