Dear Trinity Church Members:
The Princeton University Chamber Choir’s upcoming concert is one not-to-be-missed: a complete performance of Joby Talbot’s 21st Century Masterpiece for unaccompanied choir - Path of Miracles.
Path of Miracles was composed by Joby Talbot in 2004 for the famed British choir Tenebrae, on a concept which I developed in partnership with Tenebrae’s conductor Nigel Short and the City of London Festival. In the twenty years since, it has come to be seen as one of the ultimate experiences of 21st Century choral music, embracing a thousand years of history and a dozen European languages on the pilgrimage route – the Camino Frances - from Roncesvalles in the Spanish Pyrenees, to the glorious Cathedral of St James in Santiago de Compostela. The music is truly symphonic in scale, and the extraordinary text, which connects ancient monastic fragments with modern verse, beautifully evokes the irresistible urge to see the world, to better know our fellow human beings, and to find answers to life’s most elusive questions. Here's a clip of the third movement, named for the city of Leon…
The performance takes place in Richardson Auditorium on Saturday March 29th at 7.30pm.
We are delighted to offer all Trinity Church members two free tickets for this event!
To obtain your tickets, visit and use the promo code CCSING for two free tickets.